Friday, August 10, 2007

Back to School

I have just finished my first two days of school and I have now met all seven of my teachers. On the first day back to school I got to be awakened by English 2 taught by Mr. Hara who was one of my project week advisers. Next I had Geography which was taught by Ms. Hornchen and I learned that geography is not just maps and atlases, but has to do also with human geography such as culture and trade. After that I had my honor pass which being the first day I had no homework to do so I helped my former P.E. teacher to play his viola. After that I had Aquatics with Mr. Clark, there I will learn how to kayak, snorkel, and towards the end of the semester I will go on a mandatory fieldtrip. Then I went home to sleep and return to school the next day. The next day I started out the day with Concert Strings which is taught by Dr. Eng who has an unusual personality. I then moved on to Bio Chore which also taught by a Dr. but instead of Dr. Eng it is Dr. Piers is down in the basement of the science module. After that I went to Health after an hour long break for a welcome back barbecue, and guess who taught that, none other than Mr. Clark. Finally I had Advanced Algebra with Ms. Kelly and after that class I was glad that it was a Friday because I was tired and ready to sleep.

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